I really wanted to start this post with a quote about LOVE, but… there are so many I got totally confused. I realized, it does not matter what century we talk about, Love has always been the first things poets and authors talk about. From Shakespeare all the way to the most recent film or Tv series, they are all talking about love. The song writers, the artists and almost every creative person has obviously built their castles with love too. As a Tarot Reader, I am ALWAYS asked love questions. And don’t get me wrong, but I LOVE answering these questions. the only hope I have is that people will ask me questions to provide them true and honest insight into the situation. The. most common question is… “Does he/she truly love me?” The plain and simple answer to this question is a YES or a NO. It does not allow for more information, explaining the situation. A better question would be “Are we headed in the best direction with this relationship?” or “How can we better our communication with one another?” These are open ended questions that will help you extract as much information and wisdom from the cards, as is possible, rather than a simple one word or one sentence answer. This is the kind of question that will shed deep light into the situation that you, as a client, are not even aware of. Here are a few questions to make the reading more fruitful.

1: Am I ready to begin a new relationship?
2: What is the best thing I should look for in a potential partner?
3: What changes can I bring to myself to keep from repeating the same patterns in my relationships?
4: What may I change with. myself to stop making the same mistakes in my relationships?
5: What do I need most in a relationship?
6: What will serve me most in a relationship, long term?
7: How will I know I have found “The One” for me?
8: What may I do to attract the right partner for me?
9: What is holding me back from love?
10: Is it wise to give this relationship another chance?
11: How can I strengthen my relationship?
12: What steps can I take to open my heart to finding love?
13: What steps I can take to improve my relationship?

As you read through these questions, you may have realized that they are all questions about what YOU can do, change, create, etc. It has nothing to do with ‘another’. There are a few specific reasons for this! One: Asking about someone who has not given you consent to ask about them is unethical. Two: You cannot change anything about another, so there’s no point in hearing about it. Three: You will avoid looking at the truth within yourself. There can be more reasons, but there are the most prominent ones.

So, to have the best answers for the reading you are getting, it is best to ask about how YOU can make a difference in your own life, rather than asking about how another can be changed. I hope this bring you clarity and leads you to the most fruitful Tarot Reading Experience.

Pushtiie ~*~

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